Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some random thoughts

Since I know our huge reader base is wondering where I have been as of late, I figured I would just drop in to list off some games that have been occupying my time lately. I also wanted to use this picture I just found, because this kid looks funny. Tee hee.

Fifa 10- It isn't a huge secret that I am a fanboy of Fifa games, but lately this game has really been satisfying. I have probably played around 15 ranked games in the last week or so, and haven't run into a single frustrating game-related, balance problem while playing. Although people are only using the top teams (which I find boring and tedious), they aren't doing anything that makes the game "broken" or whatnot. There is a noticeable gap between those who know how to play the game well, and those who do not. The scores, as of late, have been either very close or a blowout. Overall, I have nothing to complain about here.. just a solid game, that continues to impress and keep me coming back.

Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising- I already posted about this game last week, but a second mention is in need because it really is amazing. For those who don't like RTS games, you aren't suddenly going to pick up the genre because of this game... but if you like RTS games, this one is pretty damn good and worth the 40 dollar purchase (for Dawn of War 2 and the Expansion, Chaos Rising). Besides the basic multiplayer gameplay online (1v1, 2v2, etc), I have found that I spend a lot of my time on the "Last Stand" game, which is a gametype where the player teams up with two other players to fight off hordes of baddies. You control one hero/leader/etc. character, and level them up in a sort of, World of Warcraft type fashion. I wasn't sure if it would be my cup of tea, but I am pretty hooked. At a certain point (around level 15 or 16) the waves become too much for my hero (regardless of the team combination I am playing with) and I inevitably die... but hopefully the more I play, the better off my character becomes and I can hopefully win once I keep leveling up.

I have also heard that the campaign is very entertaining, and it is also co-op. For those who are strict campaigners, I imagine it would tickle your fancy. Unfortunately I don't play many campaigns, so I will stick to 2 v 2 and last stand.

NCAA 10- Over the last 3 or 4 years my feelings in regard to football games have slowly declined to a point where I am reluctant to play them at all, let alone buy them (except Tecmo Super Bowl, I will always play this legendary game). But a couple of years back EA Sports introduced the "Online Dynasty" mode that turned my normally negative feelings into somewhat positive. Fighting for recruits, playing in the same conferences, and all of the other fun that comes with regular dynasties became significantly better, because it all involved other human players. Although the game is far from perfect, online dynasty mode seems to pull this game from mediocre, to above average and has grabbed my attention yet again.

Shout outs- I saw/played the demo for the new God of War game today and it was pretty ridiculous. The game was far from polished (the demo came out a while ago), but the gameplay was sick. Quick note: the execution moves in this game are hilariously over the top, but unbelievably awesome (see: pulling a cyclops eye out of his head, after just using him as a vehicle to rock little opponents, or breaking a horn off a creature and using that horn as a stabbing device to stick into the creature's eye.). Anyway, the demo was impressively long, and if the game turns out to be anything like the demo, I imagine it will be a force to be reckoned with.

I downloaded the demo for this little gem about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I still find myself playing it occasionally. I am not sure if it is worthy of a full purchase, but the demo is a nice way to waste some time and relax. You build towers in a small, toy battlefield, and try to shoot all of the opposing army men who attempt to destroy your toy box. Sounds simple, and it is. You have the option of going first-person and firing the turrets/gun placements/planes/etc which adds a nice wrinkle. Again, not sure if it merits the actual download, but the demo is fun enough to leave on the ol' hard drive.

Oh, I have also been playing the basketball game I linked to a few days ago. I can only handle it in bursts because I start getting frustrated when I miss repeatedly, but I thoroughly enjoy trying to move up the rankings to something that is respectable. A friend had questioned whether people were cheating to achieve their scores, and although I wasn't sure, I wouldn't doubt it. So I probably won't be climbing into the top 10 from a general lack of skill and probable foul play by some of the other players, but it is still a great flash game.

Have a good one.


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