Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bad Terminology - Part I

Have you ever been sitting next to someone while playing a game, and they ask you a question or refer to an action in a game with terminology that makes you want to spike an infant? I know I have, and I think it is only fitting to educate these jerks by creating a running "You use shitty terminology" database (very scientific).

So here are a few to kick things off:

- Stage - People will commonly overlook the fact that this makes them seem like an idiot, but it does. Everyone knows that you are playing on a level or a map depending on the game.

- Come Alive - It is called respawning, you asshole.

- "What are the buttons?" - X, Y, B, A (or whatever system). Did that help? No? Well how about you ask the relevant question being what the buttons DO rather than sound like a noob.

- Frag - While you are correct, it makes you seem overly nerdy or too into the game. Just say kill and be normal like the rest of us. Nowadays, "frags" are pretty much only a type of grenade.

This is just a quick introduction, but over time we will update these to help educate the masses. If you are one of the morons who uses these words or sayings, then stop and use the correct forms.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You fucking know what people mean when they ask about the buttons. Don't be such a literal asshat.

    Stage is a fine way to refer to levels. Some games explicitly name them stages. It's a fine term.

    Maybe you should change this section to "phrases I don't like" instead of calling them incorrect.

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, RAY: The context master to the rescue. Perhaps you shouldn't take the title so literally next time?

    But thank you for your enthusiasm.

  4. He's saying that they either *are* incorrect or *should* be incorrect. Someone needs to work on their reading comprehension.

    That being said, I can understand using the word "stage" for a fighting game like Smash Bros., but calling Blood Gulch a "stage" just sounds stupid.
