Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Fix Modern Warfare 2

I said I would get to this last week, but since Bad Company 2 came out the matter has seemed less urgent. Nonetheless, Modern Warfare 2 is an incredibly solid game with a mountain of aggravating problems. Fortunately, there are a few relatively simple ways to fix this game's online experience without having to change the core makeup of the game. So, here are some ways to make the game more competitively balanced but without sacrificing too much content.

1. First, and this is the easiest one, bring back Team Tactical in first person. That one's really easy, and it's just inexcusable that it hasn't been in there from day one.

2. Get rid of roll-over kill streaks in Search & Destroy. No one should ever get an f-ing harrier--much less a chopper gunner--in Search & Destroy. That gametype is completely ruined by overpowered killstreaks. While you're at it, make sure nothing above a precision air strike is allowed in a care package in S&D. Sure, no one will use them, but that's the point.

3. I completely understand why you don't want to allow party chat for Search & Destroy because it's basically cheating, by why the hell can't I have party chat for other gametypes? Now you're just purposely pissing off your user base.

4. Make some sort of MLG-esque playlists. You don't have to go strictly MLG because they'd want you to completely remove killstreaks and I think that would make your game lose a lot of its appeal. However, you need to offer Domination, S&D, and Headquarters playlists that do not allow the following features:
* Machine pistols
* Shotguns (Unless you want to make them primary weapons)
* Tactical Nuke, Harriers, Chopper Gunner, and Care Packages
* All hip-fire aiming reticules (this will nerf grenade launchers considerably)
* One Man Army, Last Stand, Commando, Scavenger, and Lightweight
* Deathstreaks
* Thermal scopes
Honestly, I would prefer the entire game was like this, but I understand that you'd want to keep a lot of the wackiness of your game. Just offer people some sort of respite from these cheesers running around knifing people. If you're worried about people having trouble with illegal classes, just set defaults for illegal classes: USP, Marathon, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim. I'm sure you can come up with an algorithm that realigns illegal killstreaks, and worst-case they're stuck with just UAV and Predator Missile.

At this point, you can completely ignore me if you want. I'm not sure I care anymore. I'll just keep playing Bad Company. It's just such a shame because the primary weapons are so remarkably well balanced in this game, and it's all ruined because of all the crazy shit you allow to happen. This game could have so easily been better than Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

--Chilly P


  1. The root problem with MW2 is the killstreaks. The 3,5,7 streaks in CoD4 and W@W were fine. They didn't promote camping and weren't terribly overpowered. Then when you throw in lightweight, tactical knives, model 1887's, one man army, and nuke boosting you have one colossal screw-up of a game.

  2. If you take away machine pistols and shotguns and the ability to refill explosives, I would think most people will start packing Stinger missiles and hopefully that would cut down on people going out of their way for their AC-130s.

  3. What I find frustrating is the fact that in almost all of the previous Call of Duty games, secondary kills were a challenge and were worthy of talking shit if you were able to get one. Now, they are as easy (if not easier, depending on the level) as primary weapons.

    I disagree about the thermal scope, I don't have much of a problem with that.

  4. How to fix COD:

    EB Games / Gamestop
