Monday, March 1, 2010

First Post

Neither of us has really done a blog before, so I'm not quite sure how to start the, you know, blogging experience. I presume the best place to start is to explain what we're doing here and who we are. For starters, we're going by aliases. Gabe and Tycho are aliases, and, yes, we know their real names, but they have become public personalities. If we ever actually start pulling some weight or get mentioned in Joystiq, then yeah, we'll tell you who we are so you can start Facebook stalking us (Also, don't hold us to that, either).

If you haven't figured it our yet, this will primarily be a gaming blog. More specifically, a multiplayer gaming blog. Our main purpose is to talk about balance, something that's very near and dear to our hearts. We both own Xbox 360s and Wiis, so those will be the emphasis...okay, pretty much just Xbox LIVE games and Smash Bros. But, we won't limit ourselves to these. We, like many (most?) other gamers, enjoy watching sports, so we'll talk about those on occasion. We also will have conflicting opinions on certain subjects, and I don't necessarily speak for Sweet Clyde. Oh, and we watch LOST, so you may have to put up with LOST references if you're not a fan. Look, we're going to write about whatever we feel like because it's our fucking blog and we'll do what we want with it.

For the most part, we're going to discuss balance in whatever game we're playing at the moment. Oh, I almost forgot. A feature Sweet Clyde and I were talking about implementing is our "Douchebag of the Week" feature. If you play Xbox LIVE, you can probably figure out what we mean. Each week, we'll pick out which random gamer we ran into was the douchiest and we're going to call them out by name (well, Gamertag) and explain why they are so douchy. Our goal? To enforce public consequences on those who nefariously use anonymity. Yes, I see the irony there. Shut up.

So, anyway, that's enough of an intro for now. I'm going to go ahead and make my first editorial post after this. Also, we're going to eventually get some bios on here so you know where we're coming from. Oh, and the plan is to leave comments open, just don't be a douche in the comments.


--Chilly P

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