Thursday, March 18, 2010

DICE Makes Another Parody Video

If Digital Illusions CE doesn't want me to love them, they're doing a terrible job. They just released parody video of Infinity Ward's F.A.G.S. (I didn't come up with the acronym) video, and it's definitely funnier than the original for several reasons: A) It's closer to the truth B) It has Sweetwater in it, and C) It even pokes fun of the celebrity in the video. Anyway, here're the original F.A.G.S. video and DICE's F.R.A.G.S. parody:

You know, when I first saw that F.A.G.S. video, I thought to myself, "Oh, good. They're getting rid of cheap kills." Obviously, I was mistaken. Anyway, DICE also had a pretty good parody for the first Bad Company of what is probably the best video game commercial of all time. I'm feeling generous, so I'll go ahead and embed those as well:

That one's not as good as the F.R.A.G.S. video, but it's still pretty funny. It was more an excuse to put that "Mad World" trailer on there...still gives me goose bumps. Anyway, since I'm one of the few people who's really looking forward to a Mirror's Edge sequel, I guess that makes me a pretty big DICE fan these days. I just hope they eventually get their shit together in whole single-player level design department. Both BFBC2 and Mirror's Edge had the tools to be great single-player games, but they fell way short in the level design. I'll stop rambling now. I'm going to be in Orlando this weekend to go see my 'Stros play, so I won't be updating much. Sweet Cylde may have something for you, though.

--Chilly P


  1. Yeah, those are great. However, the best video game commercial of all time is definately the mercaneries 2 one with that song.

  2. Yeah, that one was good, but calling it better than "Mad World"? Oh, no you didn't
