Monday, March 1, 2010

Chilly P's Rules for Online Shooters

I've played a heck of a lot of online shooters over the years. Not so much on PC, but I'm a bit of an Xbox LIVE expert. Anyway, mainly drawing from the Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War, and Left 4 Dead series, here are some basic rules I think all games should follow. Later this week I'll go over some all-time best features and worst fuck-ups.

HUD and Other On-Screen Information
The heads-up display is one of the most important and often over-looked features of shooters. One thing that drives me bat-shit crazy is when information like how much ammo you have will just fade away at times. Little things like an ammo count never obscures your view, just leave them there. Always (unless--and this is rare--it should be removed for gameplay purposes). For example, when I'm a charger in L4D2 and I'm choke-slamming some poor sap, why does my health bar disappear? Sure, I can't move anymore, but it's nice to know how much health you have. Just leave it there.

I also don't understand why games like Gears of War have no radar whatsoever. Call of Duty has a perfect model for this: you see the map in the upper right-hand corner, and dots show up when people fire. This makes sense. If you're in real life and you hear a gunshot, you can tell where it's coming from. Games use stereo sound, so until surround is the default (which it probably won't be any time soon), information like this should be expected. Another thing CoD does which I think should be in more games is the grenade indicator. If someone throws a grenade at me in real life, I'm going to hear where it bounces. This compensates for a lack in technology, and that makes it a good thing. Actually, the lack of the two aforementioned features in Hardcore mode is the reason I think that mode is ridiculous. It's supposed to be more realistic I guess, but I think taking away things that compensate for technological deficiencies is just stupid.

Another thing that's important is feedback for hits and misses. Halo does it by showing flashing energy shields, Call of Duty does it with that little 'x' in the middle of your screen (accompanied by a little 'tsk' sound), and Gears does it with blood spray. I really don't have any complaints here, I just thought it was worth mentioning.

It's also important that objective markers and other on-screen data do not obscure your view. That damn "C" marker in Domination on Underpass is like a dick coming out of someone's forehead. It's already hard enough to see on that map, don't make it worse with giant green/red arrows.

Be careful in how you distinguish teams. Halo gets bonus points for brightly and distinctly coloring each team. Gears gets a C- because the Locusts make more noise and are thus less sneaky than the COGs, and Call of Duty gets an F+ because it's nearly impossible to tell who's friend and foe without seeing a name above their head (which can lead to confusion when a friend is behind a foe and it looks like your friend's name is above that bastard who's about to gut you with a striker). You may think an F+ is too harsh, but let me also remind you that ghillie suits all look the same, and the fact that the team wearing black scuba suits on Sub Base has a distinct disadvantage to the other team of guys in snow camo.

If you're aiming down a scope and someone shoots you, your scope should be interrupted. Halo does this correctly.

Auto-aim is a necessity on consoles, but try not to let it go overboard. I can't tell you how many times I've killed people in Call of Duty because my auto-aim starting tracking someone I couldn't see. Yeah, I use it to my advantage, but it's pretty unfair.

Button Layouts and Weapon Swapping
Halo: CE got it right. Two weapons max, switch weapons with "Y", and map grenades to their own button. It's as simple as that. Battlefield: Bad Company does this archaic crap where the shoulder buttons cycle through different items, one of which is grenades. No. Don't do that. I don't want to have to switch to grenades. Ever. BC commits another no-no in that knifing results it actually keeping your knife out. This is also dumb.

You should also never have to cycle through anything. This is why the two-weapon idea is so important. Cycling is a pain, requires too much memorization, and can cause some serious problems in the heat of battle. One button, "Y", should switch between two weapons. Don't over think it. No cycling, and no mapping weapons to the D-pad. I'm looking at you, Gears. Nobody needs to spawn with a Lancer, shotgun, and a pistol. You already let people choose between a Lancer and a Hammer Burst, just let them choose two guns to load out with. Before you ask, "Well, who the fuck is gonna want a damned pistol?!" let me tell you who, you vulgar little delinquent. This would balance the meat shields and boom shields because--wait for it--you have to have a pistol to do it! There, now the boom shield isn't the most advanced piece of weaponry in the game. "What about the grenades?" you may ask. Like I said, map them to their own button. "LB" and "Y" aren't particularly useful in that game; I'd say go with "LB" since I know you'll have mapped weapon-switching to "Y" like I asked. Tap "LB" to blindfire (blindthrow?) a grenade; hold "LB" to start swinging it like a foxtail. You're welcome, Epic.

Two more things on this subject: always map reload to either "X" or a shoulder button, and never make me press a button to pick up ammo. Left 4 Dead has reload mapped to "B." Why? To spit in the face of console conventions because you want to be different? No! Bad Valve (slaps wrist). Oh, and Active Reloading in Gears is an awesome idea. No complaints here.

Other General Rules
Never, ever let physics interrupt gameplay. I'm looking at you, Epic. Remember when Gears 2 released and smoke grenades made you go ragdoll for 2 agonizing seconds? Dumb. Sooooo dumb. I know you've fixed it since, but you lost a lot of players because of that.

Do let physics be hilarious, though. Remember warthog jousting in Halo: CE? It was awesome, and I wish you could somehow turn that on in Halo 3. Also, so-called "gibs" in Gears are quite funny as well. Dead people flying around like weightless ragdolls is always a good laugh.

Proximity explosives should be visible and delayed. Good: Claymores in Modern Warfare. Bad: Bouncing Betties in World at War and grenade planting in Gears 2. Claymores are perfect. They have ~180 degrees of effectiveness, you can spot them around corners if you're careful, and if you're not, then you die. Even if you know there's a grenade planted around a corner in Gears 2, it's still pretty impossible to avoid it. It takes forever to shoot down (if you even can) and they go off nearly instantly. Bouncing Betties are just too hard to see without Bomb Squad.

Never have lock-on weapons for use against user-controlled vehicles (this excuses the necessary Stinger in Modern Warfare 2). Remember in Halo: CE when you had to kill vehicles with a well-timed grenade or rocket? Yeah, took skill. The Missile Pod? Not so much. Actually, let's throw Spartan Laser in there, too. Vehicles should never be death traps. Make people earn their vehicle kills. Now, I know the splaser and the missile pod are there mainly to shoot down Banshees, but it's not my fault the developers decided that the most elusive vehicle should also be the only one with an unexposed pilot. Maybe they should've thought of that before.

Offer a variety of playlists. Bungie gets, like, 12 gold stars for this. Modern Warfare 2 gets one gold star. Why only one? Where's my MLG playlist and 1st-person Team Tactical? Actually...

If your game has "cheap kills" (think energy sword), offer a set of MLG playlists. You know why Modern Warfare 2 is losing players? There's no where to escape the knifers, shotgunners, and n00b-tubers. I'll go into more detail about this in a later post. Sneak peak: Hardcore does not count as a satisfactory playlist for "hardcore" players.

Do a beta test. Seriously. Gears 2 and Modern Warfare 2 didn't do betas and their games launched as glitchy, unbalanced messes.

Don't let multiplayer achievements affect gameplay. The first Gears and--to a lesser extent--Halo 3 did this, and it's really, really annoying. However, I'm not saying that you shouldn't have multiplayer 'cheevos. I likes me my 'cheevos. Just be smart with them. It's also smart to emphasize winning over K/D or getting kills with specific guns. A player's first priority should be winning.

Flamethrowers are never a good idea.

Dog tags (Bad Company) are an awesome idea. In fact, if you have to do a kills-based 'cheevo, you should probably require unique Gamertags (and, obviously, a smaller number to compensate). That should get rid of those damned grinders. Buncha jerks if you ask me.

Never let people be temporarily invincible (unless it's to counteract spawn-camping). It was so annoying in Gears having to wait until the pick-up-weapon animation was done before I could pop some knucklehead's dome, and don't get me started on that temporary invincibility when you pick up the overshield in Halo 3.

Sprinting is good; holding down a button to sprint is bad.

Dual-wiedling is okay, just be careful how you implement it. They had to patch Halo 2 because dual-wielding was overpowered (although I say Halo has become better because this led to melees and grenades being more powerful), and I think we all remember those damned Akimbo Model 1887s.

If melees cause victims to be stunned, be sure that stun time is less than cool-down time. This was an issue in the first Gears because you were stunned longer than it took to perform a second melee. Also, the melee-spamming in Left 4 Dead was unbalanced in favor of the survivors (they patched it to include a cool-down after a few successive melees).

I actually can't believe I have to say this, but don't make the amount of time it takes to reload longer than the reload animation. In Left 4 Dead 2, the sniper rifle (my personal weapon of choice) takes ~3 seconds to reload, and when the animation is done, you're still not quite finished reloading. You have to wait a moment until that '0' becomes a '30' before you can switch weapons or take some pills. If you do it an instant too soon, you have to start all over next time you switch back to your sniper rifle. Honestly, you should make the animation run a little longer than the amount of time it actually takes. Props to Modern Warfare 2 for getting this right.

You may or not agree with me on all of these principles, but you probably should. I'm not trying to take away anything that made these games unique, and I understand that newbie-friendly game elements exist as a way to level the playing field. I'm just saying that certain conventions have proven to be much, much better than their alternatives, and that if you do want to include newbie-friendly weapons and/or classes, offer some way for the seasoned vets to avoid gameplay mechanics that feel cheap.

--Chilly P


  1. You're an xbox live expert? I'm guessing that means you've won a handful of tournaments, or been ranked in the top 500 of a game, on a super competitive MLG team, or a great theorist on some gaming boards? No? You just think you're good cause you play a lot? That's what I thought.

    Weapon cycling is purely a function of PC porting. It's not hard to cycle with a mouse scroll.

    Also, xbox live achievments are dumb regardless.

    Other than that, you make some good points.

  2. I like 'cheevos, Clyde hates 'em. It's a personal preference.

    I'm aware that weapon cycling is a PC thing, the point was that Halo established weapon swapping as the norm for console games, which are the topic of this post.
