Saturday, April 24, 2010

Halo : Reach info

Well, I can't say I am overly excited about the newest Halo that is eventually going to come out, but I have a feeling that I (like many others) will end up buying it and playing it.

With that in mind, I figured knowing some things about it (as they release it) can't hurt.

I found this video and figured it might be of interest.

It is odd to me that Halo is looking more and more like Call of Duty/Battlefield/(equipment based games) but I guess that is the current trend with FPS games these days. The customizable stuff seems to add a nice wrinkle or two, but I am reluctant to get excited. You frequently see Gears of War-like sliding in this video, which is awkward looking. I still cringe when I see the hand to hand animations... I mean, is this Tekken, or a FPS? Time will tell.



  1. I'll let you know my thoughts when beta starts next week. ODST has its advantages...

  2. I think I am going to make a little purchase to get in on that... Good marketing ploy to sell ODST.

  3. sold Halo 3 and FFXIII and picked up ODST today. I'm not sure if you need a new copy or not (I don't think you do), but I got a new copy since it was only $5 more. Hey, if other people have this game I can actually go after those Firefight 'cheevos.

  4. I feel like its worth mentioning here on the topic of Beta that if you preorder StarCraft II these days you get a free beta key... And I can already give you feedback on that one... This is pretty undeniably going to be even better than the original. Even if you don't like single player or don't like the straight up RTS multiplayer, check out these custom games already made: (the map editor has been out for 1 week)
    I'd link the tower defense and dota but don't want to search for the threads... you get the idea here:
