Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dead Rising and Internet Videos

So, I came across this Joystiq article about how Capcom wants to put Frank West of Dead Rising (excellent game) in as many games as possible...except Dead Rising 2, apparently. Anyway, that article had two very funny videos at the bottom that I'd like to share, and each of them reminded me of another video I enjoy. So...

This video parodies a Geico commercial you probably remember...

This is the flippin' sweet music video for the song in that commercial...

They also linked to this Mega 64 video that I hadn't seen. It's one of their best...

While I'd recommend pretty much any Mega 64 video, this is one of my all-time favs...

Anyway, I hope all that was entertaining. It really gets me juiced up for the sequel. I hope that unlike Resident Evil 5, Dead Rising 2 can successfully integrate co-op while still maintaining the brilliance of the original game.

--Chilly P

p.s. If you're like me, you're probably all, "ZOMGWTF!?!? WHY NO NEW LOST LAST NIGHT!!?!!?11?" If that's the case, maybe this can help the pain. It's fan done and came out before the start of season 6. If you haven't seen it yet, enjoy the shit out of it. It's like what 24 would be if it were any good.

1 comment:

  1. Dead Rising was probably the best zombie game ever made. Yes, the Resident Evil franchise can go without saying, but their themes are more closely aligned with horror and puzzle games. To me, Dead Rising took the best motifs from the zombie media and made it into a superb game.

    RE 4 was also remarkable. But RE 5's bullshit little partner mode ruined it.

    I have a lot of hope for Dead Rising 2. Especially with many of the makers of the 1st involved.
