Monday, June 14, 2010

Tids and Bits for Monday 061410

Well, Clyde is down in South Africa for the World Cup, so I'm sure he'll have some interesting stories about that when he gets back. I tried watching the U.S.A. - England game. Ugh, I just don't like soccer. It's boring, and that's coming from a pretty avid baseball fan. They just kind of slowly trot around a giant field--sorry, pitch--kicking the ball back and forth to each other. Soccer games--sorry, matches--just feel devoid of events. It's unfortunate that Britain's influence spread soccer to all their colonies because had that not happened, maybe they'd like a better sport. I get it though, when you live in a third world country, soccer is accessible because it's cheap. Anyway, I'll let Sweet Clyde handle the rest of the soccer talk.

So, the second best Flash game ever made is getting an update, so I posted the video advertising it above. That's right, a Flash game is getting an update and they're advertising it. That just speaks to its monumental awesomeness.

So, you may ask, if that's only the second best Flash game ever made, what could possibly be the best? Why, it's Vision by Proxy, of course! All kidding aside, that little game I was a part of was apparently good enough to be recognized by IndieCade. In fact, they've decided to showcase it at E3, so that's where I'll be this week. Whether or not I'll be able to update (I'm not using the b-word) from there is to be seen, but you can be sure that I'll be back Friday evening with plenty to write about. Since I'm going as a developer and not as part of the media, I probably won't be able to get into the keynotes. However, I'll be sure to try out some demos and just soak up the nerdy atmosphere.

--Chilly P

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