Monday, July 12, 2010

Sounds Like Crack

First there's the humming sound. Then it gets a little louder as you get closer. Then there's that satisfying 'bing' noise when you finally catch it, followed by the sweeping little beeps as the agility goodness is vacuumed into your body. It's addicting, and I've already spent too much of my life chasing that feeling.

Crackdown 2 is a very good game. It's almost identical to the game we played 3 years ago, but since it's been three years, it's more like revisiting an old friend in new clothes than rehashing an experience that's still fresh in my mind. The feels shorter this time around, though, and I liked fighting the gang bosses in the first game more than the giant freaks in the sequel. What's really disappointing is that the biggest enemies in the game never even attack you. They just stand in front of these beacons you're protecting and wail on them, which just makes them very easy to kill (given you have the appropriate amount of firepower). So, you don't really fight them so much as shoot unmoving targets. I'd say Ruffian whiffed pretty bad on that one.

The flight is a fantastic addition. It feels more like Mario's cape in Super Mario World than Alex Mercer's glide ability in [Prototype], which is good for making it a more unique experience. I'm also a big fan of the increased power of the ground pound. It's been upgraded from stunning to devastating. The helicopter is a pretty nice addition as well, but it goes a long way towards cheapening the accomplishment of reaching the tops of the two highest buildings in Pacific City. I don't know why Ruffian didn't include 'cheevos for scaling those bad boys without the aide of the helicopter. That's strike two...but they doubled with the glide suit, so all-around it was a solid at-bat. I'm off my game with the sports metaphors today.

--Chilly P

p.s. You know, a lot of reviewers have been slamming the game for taking place in the same city, but I actually liked that. I enjoyed not having to learn a whole map all over again. Sure, it's lazy, but I'm okay with it.

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