Thursday, May 13, 2010

World of Goo + Charity = WIN!!

Everyone. Stop what you are doing and go check out the Humble Indie Bundle if you haven't yet done so. It's 5 indie games for the price of...whatever you want to pay! Want to be a cheap ass? Then pay nothing. Want to actually feel good about yourself and help either those in need, those who deserve it, or both? Then pay something, however much you want. Your money can either go to charity or to the developers or both. Seriously, opportunities to do some good and get some cool games don't come around very often.

The big reason I did it was to get my hands on World of Goo, which I'd heard is great. I'm here to confirm that it's not only great, it's fantastic. It's like a cross between architecture and The Incredible Machine. You basically use these little balls of goo to construct structures that either build up, down, or across gaps. Behold the supporting power of triangles! It's creative, fun, and challenging. I haven't been this hooked on a PC game since Roller Coaster Tycoon. I haven't played the other 4 (possibly 5) games of the bundle yet, but World of Goo was worth every penny I chose to spend. I don't know anything about the other 5 games I got, but if they're half as good as World of Goo, I'll be stoked. Oh, some of the developers are also offering up the source code to their games, which is very cool. Unfortunately, they're not packaged into Visual Studio projects (or something similar), so I'm-a wait until someone makes that available.

Why are you still reading this? Go do some good.

--Chilly P

p.s. I'd also like to give a shout-out to Ray Ray for letting me know that you can now get Portal for FREE.

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